We’ve updated our privacy and cookies policy

Keeping your personal information safe and secure is our top priority. That’s why we’re getting in touch to let you know about some changes to our privacy and cookies policy in readiness for the introduction of the new data protection law (GDPR) on 25th May 2018.

The changes don’t alter what we use your personal information for, but make it easier for you to find out how we use and protect your information.

Your personal information is an important part of our service. For instance, it lets us provide our products and services to you, including managing billing and any other financial information. If you are happy for us to, it also lets us get in touch whenever we have offers or deals that we think might be of interest to you like upgrading your services.

Most importantly, your details help us detect and prevent fraud, as well as blocking spam, nuisance calls and facilitating other security measures.

You do not need to take any action. However, if you would like to find out more, please take a look at our updated privacy and cookies policy at https://thecompletewebco.design/privacy-and-cookies-policy/